
November 04, 2015 Articles

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  1. Access to bariatric surgery remains difficult for many with obesity
  2. Allergan, Mimetogen enter licensing agreement for tavilermide dry eye treatment
  3. Anaphylaxis rare after vaccination
  4. ASDS president, officers, board members installed at annual meeting
  5. Avedro receives approval in China for KXL cross-linking system
  6. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center names cancer center director
  7. Biosimilar Therapies in Rheumatology
  8. BLOG: Evolving treatment of patellar instability
  9. BLOG: Why dry eye is a killer, and Shire’s good news benefits us all
  10. Breast cancer incidence, mortality rates vary by location
  11. Calorie postings at McDonald's offer no significant impact on healthier meal choices
  12. CDC launches health care-associated blood clot prevention challenge
  13. Cerapedics gets FDA premarket approval for first bone graft to be used in cervical spine
  14. Children with ependymoma experience favorable outcomes with immediate postoperative radiation
  15. Dedicated side branch stent shows promising results in TRYTON post hoc analysis
  16. Development of Biosimilars is Both Challenging and Exciting
  17. Dr. Paul Ballas Lost 60 Pounds Playing Xbox. . . and Wrote About How Others Can, Too
  18. Early-onset preeclampsia may increase critical heart defect risk in offspring
  19. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases hospitalizations in children with asthma
  20. Five aesthetics highlights from ASDS annual meeting
  21. Genetically engineered RSV vaccine shows early promise
  22. Gluten peptides in urine correlate with mucosal damage in celiac disease
  23. Gonorrhea susceptibility to cephalosporins increases in US
  24. Health Canada approves CINGAL as medical device to treat knee OA pain
  25. Improvement seen in US adult diet quality, still remains poor
  26. In-home allergen test inspires parents to adopt dust mite reducing behaviors
  27. Ipilimumab plus radiotherapy may benefit patients with metastatic melanoma
  28. Kisspeptin shows promise as alternative for IVF treatment
  29. Lactulose plus probiotics fails to improve HE in patients with cirrhosis
  30. Late AMD strongly associated with severity of early lesions
  31. Lenalidomide plus rituximab shows promise as initial therapy for mantle cell lymphoma
  32. Less than 15% of adolescent boys complete HPV vaccination
  33. No long-term survival advantage found for HA-coated vs porous femoral sleeves
  34. Obesity epidemic turning around, but whole person, whole community approach next step
  35. Pacemaker interrogation to detect asymptomatic AF may improve stroke prevention
  36. Patients with AF, history of falls at increased mortality risk
  37. Patients with RA may benefit from Actemra in a combination or as monotherapy
  38. Percutaneous femoropopliteal bypass system shows feasibility in early study
  39. Phase 2b trial initiated for two new formulations of Linzess
  40. Poor mental health symptoms increase over time among military personnel
  41. Primary Care Practice; Advances in Chronic OA: Volume 2, Number 3
  42. Rapid POC testing informs more patients of HIV, HBV, HCV status
  43. Resident training, ankle fracture complexity linked with increased fluoroscopy use during ORIF
  44. Serum vasoactive intestinal peptide levels influence COPD exacerbation
  45. Stay Current With Our Peer-Tested Content
  46. Study links chronic constipation in young patients with CRC, GI complications
  47. Successful HBV vaccination may protect against diabetes
  48. The four reasons people don't vaccinate, and how to combat them
  49. Thoracic stent graft linked with positive outcomes in patients with acute aortic dissection
  50. TOS, ASMBS leadership kick off ObesityWeek opening session
  51. Trial shows no cognitive benefit of raloxifene for women with Alzheimer's disease
  52. Turing promises Daraprim repricing announcement before 2016
  53. Twenty percent of pediatricians dismiss families who refuse vaccines
  54. Utah hospital warns thousands of patients of possible HCV exposure
  55. VIDEO: DePuy Synthes Spine launches Expedium Verse spinal system
  56. VIDEO: Feast day, fast day lifestyle can help maintain weight loss
  57. VIDEO: New procedure enables carotid stenting in very high-risk patients
  58. VIDEO: Speaker discusses the Hoffman pocket technique
  59. Web-based CBT program effective for suicidal ideation among medical interns
  60. Weight-loss supplements can be used safely
  61. Woman and obesity in the workplace: a fat ceiling replaces the glass ceiling