
May 04, 2014 Articles

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  1. Adrenaline provides minimal survival benefit for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  2. Bariatric surgery recommended for severely obese patients with NAFLD
  3. Difficult-to-treat HCV patients benefit from ledipasvir, sofosbuvir combo
  4. Driving ability hampered by dominant arm immobilization
  5. In-person, online psycho-education programs effective in children with mood disorders
  6. Lean NAFLD patients showed higher mortality rates than non-lean patients
  7. Rates of gonorrhea at all-time low among adolescents
  8. Reflux control associated with decreased progression in patients with Barrett's esophagus
  9. Rhinovirus species B commonly found in well children
  10. Sanofi Pasteur releases dengue vaccine results
  11. SAPPHIRE-II: Interferon-free treatment combo a success for genotype 1 HCV
  12. Spanish-speaking patients preferred in-person interpretation in ED setting
  13. Telephone-based psychotherapy for postpartum depression effective, convenient
  14. Two-drug, 12-week treatment successful for genotype 1 HCV
  15. Vision problems caused by concussion often overlooked
  16. Website aims to change obesity focus through social support