
May 20, 2014 Articles

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  1. Alcohol consumption increased risk for liver fibrosis in patients with HIV, HCV
  2. Antiviral therapy improved outcomes in HCV-related indolent NHL
  3. Bisexual male teens exhibit riskiest sexual behavior
  4. Chronic constipation linked to increased risk for colorectal cancer
  5. Congress reintroduces legislation to curb antibiotic-resistant organisms
  6. Couples with high cholesterol face longer time to pregnancy
  7. Edwards, Medtronic settle transcatheter valve litigation
  8. Exercise halted CVD progression in middle-aged overweight, obese women
  9. Expectations assessment may help guide future research, deter indoor tanning
  10. Experts predict pancreatic cancer to be second leading cause of cancer death by 2030
  11. Frequent discontinuation, more adverse events seen with nafcillin in MSSA
  12. Genomic testing has ‘transformed’ lung cancer care
  13. IDUs showed willingness to receive education, treatment for HCV
  14. Increased air pollution exposure in second trimester might increase childhood asthma risk
  15. Initiative launched in Congress to bolster new antibiotic development
  16. Intraosseous dens cysts and retro-dens synovitis likely to occur with dens fractures
  17. John D. Day, MD, on remote monitoring for pacemakers
  18. LDR announces follow-on offering pricing
  19. Lentiviral vector may deliver sustained antiangiogenic therapy
  20. Many older patients with glioblastoma face considerable hospitalization burden
  21. New glaucoma drugs target disease cause, report says
  22. OCT documented similarities between men, women treated with DES
  23. Older males have greater incidence of ulceration in melanoma
  24. One-third of Danish population treated for mental disorders in their lifetime
  25. Ophthotech, Novartis enter into ex-US licensing and commercialization agreement
  26. Optogenetics may have role in regenerative medicine
  27. Paroxysmal AF ablation faster, more successful with cryoballoon
  28. Prenatal risk factors may put children at risk of developing kidney disease
  29. Reduced physical capability at mid-life associated with higher mortality
  30. Report shows specialists drove increase in office visits
  31. Results support efficacy of continuous infusion of peripheral nerve anesthesia for rebound pain after surgery for ankle fracture
  32. SAPIEN 3: Results strong for next-generation transcatheter valve at 30 days
  33. Sepsis involved in high percentage of hospital deaths
  34. STIs more common among at-risk adolescent females
  35. Study shows combined structure, function tests improve glaucoma detection
  36. Supramolecular chemistry and the development of a living heart valve replacement
  37. Tolevamer inferior to current treatments for CDI
  38. Transcatheter arterial embolization shows promising results in adhesive capsulitis cases
  39. University of Colorado to host International Extreme Sports Medicine Congress
  40. Vitamin D3 treatment did not significantly affect asthma patients with low vitamin D levels
  41. WHO: Adolescent health requires more attention