
February 20, 2014 Articles

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  1. A permanent doc fix … really?
  2. A tale of two (disappointing) therapies
  3. Actual outcomes of ranibizumab for nAMD inconsistent with trial results
  4. American Medical Association pushes for permanent SGR fix on anniversary of first patch
  5. Atrial Fibrillation - Quick Fact Sheet
  6. Awareness of disaster-associated fungal infections can drive early detection
  7. Birth month affected RSV hospitalization risk
  8. Cancer stem cell number may not predict outcomes in HPV-associated HNSCC
  9. CAS, CEA associated with similar long-term ipsilateral stroke rate
  10. CDC: Young, middle-aged adults bear brunt of flu season
  11. Drought tied to multiple typhus outbreaks in Mexico
  12. Dynavax withdraws European marketing application for hepatitis B vaccine
  13. Electronic directly observed therapy benefited children with sickle cell disease
  14. Eleven Biotherapeutics begins phase 3 trial for dry eye solution
  15. Expanded EUREQUO registry will include patient-reported outcome data
  16. Grant awarded to develop web-based intervention for indoor tanning behavior
  17. Greek ophthalmology residents complain of undertraining, seek opportunities abroad
  18. Healio Minute Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 Edition: Child abuse linked to income inequality, mud baths soothe fibromyalgia, OIG announces 2014 focus
  19. Healthy levels of CAC associated with mutual feelings of spousal support
  20. Hematologic, bile duct malignancies risks for chronic pruritus on nondiseased skin
  21. HHS selects winners in idea challenge for emergency response
  22. Hyaluronic acid injections effective, safe compared with NSAID treatment for knee OA
  23. Hyperandrogenism induced proinflammatory response to glucose
  24. Inexplicable fever could be symptom of Kawasaki disease
  25. Intracranial atherosclerosis may be more predictive of stroke than coronary artery calcification
  26. Low morning, high evening cortisol levels tied to frailty in elderly
  27. Low TSH increased risk for depression in older patients
  28. Mammography did not reduce breast cancer mortality
  29. Mobile compression device prevented risk of DVT after joint surgery
  30. New aberrometer provides good outcomes in myopic LASIK
  31. NHL incidence high in HIV despite treatment
  32. Noninvasive biomarkers failed to accurately identify hepatic fibrosis in type 2 diabetes patients
  33. Optometry Giving Sight announces successful 2013
  34. Patient, tumor characteristics predicted surgical outcomes in primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma
  35. Picosecond UV laser creates high-quality LASIK flaps
  36. Residual colorectal lesions treated effectively during follow-up
  37. SPS3: Lower BP targets, DAPT did not affect cognition in lacunar stroke
  38. Study: In-cast intermittent artero-venous foot pump improves outcomes
  39. Surgery increased the odds of vertebral endplate signal changes for patients with sciatica
  40. White matter seemingly altered by type 1 diabetes in children