
September 12, 2013 Articles

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  1. Abbott named industry leader in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for ninth year
  2. Anteriorly translated talus restored to anatomical position 6 months after total ankle arthroplasty
  3. Antibiotic stewardship interventions resulted in decreased treatment duration
  4. ARCTIC-GENE: Clopidogrel monitoring failed to improve outcomes
  5. Cancer risk higher with Crohn’s disease, not ulcerative colitis
  6. Demodex more prevalent than generally understood, experts say
  7. EHRs increased detection of growth disorders in children
  8. Elastin staining patterns in cicatricial alopecia displayed disease specificity
  9. Episodic high BP readings in childhood may predict adult hypertension
  10. Functional disability risks identified in adolescents with emerging psychosis
  11. Graves' ophthalmopathy linked to dry eye disease, corneal sensitivity loss
  12. Group A streptococcus vaccine would likely decrease infection risk
  13. HCV, waist circumference linked to greater liver stiffness
  14. Healio Minute Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013 Edition: Early warning scores help children in EDs, PTSD screening urged for moms, cadavers get credit for better facelifts
  15. Hospital-acquired MRSA increased active infection rate
  16. Influenza complications increased length of hospital stay
  17. Invibio Biomaterial Solutions releases enhanced polymer for bone apposition
  18. Listeriosis outbreak linked to unsanitary conditions at processing facility
  19. Long-term GH therapy could slow course of Prader-Willi syndrome
  20. Lower degrees of dominant humeral torsion results in severe upper extremity injuries for pitchers
  21. MRI before AF ablation predicted procedure success
  22. Nd:YAG 1064 laser ineffectively treated onychomycosis
  23. ODAC supports Perjeta approval for HER-2–positive breast cancer
  24. Patients’ history, clinical findings may limit diagnostic investigations for recurrent CAP
  25. PCV13 affects resistance patterns of S. pneumoniae
  26. Pertussis incidence among older adults may be underestimated
  27. Phase 2 trial initiated of Trichuris suis ova for ulcerative colitis
  28. Rhinovirus frequently tied to pediatric CAP
  29. Sandflies found in three states in Austria
  30. Secondary UTI diagnosis increased clinical, economic burdens
  31. SQUASH better suited for assessing physical activity in ankylosing spondylitis patients
  32. Study links EHR use to reduced emergency department visits for patients with diabetes
  33. Study shows inverse relationship between duration of breastfeeding, AMD risk
  34. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura survivors may be at risk for poor health
  35. Type 2 diabetes increased CHD risk in premenopausal women
  36. Vaccine coverage rates high as VFC program celebrates 20 years
  37. Vitamin D supplementation decreased risk for recurrent AOM