
September 18, 2012 Articles

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  1. Analysis identifies genetic mutations linked to SCLC tumor growth
  2. Children with chronic conditions more commonly affected by medical errors
  3. Cholera outbreak kills 271 in Sierra Leone
  4. Dermatologists' beliefs on psoriasis treatments varied
  5. DJO Surgical unveils new TKA system
  6. Early aggressive treatment failed to benefit elderly patients with non-ST-elevation ACS
  7. Effective control measures urged to reduce salmonella exposure in Taiwan
  8. Effective control measures urged to reduce salmonella exposure in Taiwan
  9. Extreme monovision may reduce pre-existing diplopia after cataract surgery
  10. FDA approves Nuvail for brittle nails
  11. Gastric bypass reduced cardiovascular, metabolic risks in severely obese
  12. Gastric bypass reduced cardiovascular, metabolic risks in severely obese
  13. Gastric bypass reduced cardiovascular, metabolic risks in severely obese
  14. Identifying feelings more difficult for Sjögren’s syndrome patients
  15. KIR gene activation linked to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation outcomes in AML
  16. Maternal depression may affect children's physical growth
  17. Medical devices, supplies contribute increase in hospital discharge costs
  18. New software to improve existing OCT image analysis
  19. Patients show increased bone mineral density after abstinence from alcohol
  20. Patients with Achilles tendon rupture may have deficits in tendon length
  21. Periocular vitiligo may alter ocular surface, tear function
  22. Retinal vessel movement may rise with BCVA decline in epiretinal membrane
  23. Risk for liver-related death in injection drug users with HCV increased with age
  24. Vascular abnormalities may present as central VF defects in normal-tension glaucoma
  25. Which way is up?