
July 31, 2012 Articles

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  1. A 22-month-old male with a rash on arms, legs
  2. Advanced prostate cancer rate could triple without PSA testing
  3. An 18-month-old male with cervical lump, intermittent fever
  4. Anti-TNF-a therapy temporarily boosted HDL levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  5. Biometry prediction errors, corneal astigmatism may prevent emmetropia after cataract surgery
  6. Chlamydia rates continue to rise
  7. Early intervention found successful at reducing PTSD
  8. Ebola outbreak kills 16 in Uganda
  9. Efficacy of letrozole, anastrozole linked to BMI
  10. Electronic health records here to stay, unfortunately
  11. Experts: Consider DHEA levels when assessing adrenal function
  12. Flicker sensitivity may help predict geographic atrophy in eyes with early AMD
  13. Hepatitis prevention in children begins with immunization
  14. Lid disease, central ALK, peripheral grafts may pose risks for tectonic graft failure
  15. Melanomas among blacks occurred primarily on lower limbs, hips
  16. Morbidity, mortality and depression reduced with exercise in HF patients
  17. NHANES: Periodontal infections linked to insulin resistance in diabetes-free adults
  18. No evidence of long-term increased risk for death with endoscopic vein graft harvesting
  19. Nurse staffing, burnout linked to health care-associated infections
  20. Ocular alignment may contribute to myopic shift in hyperopic eyes with amblyopia
  21. Pet exposure in first year of life may provide protection against later respiratory infections
  22. Progress stymied in reducing HIV-related risk behaviors among students
  23. QRS morphology more important predictor of response to CRT than QRSd
  24. Reduction of antibiotic use: For Johnny and his hamburger
  25. Researchers identify new target to battle rheumatoid arthritis
  26. Risk for colorectal cancer decreased among patients with IBD
  27. Scoring system may identify patients at risk for SSI after arthroplasty
  28. Trial fully enrolled for evaluation of vertebral compression fractures treatment system
  29. Vitamin E may reduce risk for liver cancer
  30. Whey-protein formulas failed to protect against atopic dermatitis