July 31, 2012 Articles
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- A 22-month-old male with a rash on arms, legs
- Advanced prostate cancer rate could triple without PSA testing
- An 18-month-old male with cervical lump, intermittent fever
- Anti-TNF-a therapy temporarily boosted HDL levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Biometry prediction errors, corneal astigmatism may prevent emmetropia after cataract surgery
- Chlamydia rates continue to rise
- Early intervention found successful at reducing PTSD
- Ebola outbreak kills 16 in Uganda
- Efficacy of letrozole, anastrozole linked to BMI
- Electronic health records here to stay, unfortunately
- Experts: Consider DHEA levels when assessing adrenal function
- Flicker sensitivity may help predict geographic atrophy in eyes with early AMD
- Hepatitis prevention in children begins with immunization
- Lid disease, central ALK, peripheral grafts may pose risks for tectonic graft failure
- Melanomas among blacks occurred primarily on lower limbs, hips
- Morbidity, mortality and depression reduced with exercise in HF patients
- NHANES: Periodontal infections linked to insulin resistance in diabetes-free adults
- No evidence of long-term increased risk for death with endoscopic vein graft harvesting
- Nurse staffing, burnout linked to health care-associated infections
- Ocular alignment may contribute to myopic shift in hyperopic eyes with amblyopia
- Pet exposure in first year of life may provide protection against later respiratory infections
- Progress stymied in reducing HIV-related risk behaviors among students
- QRS morphology more important predictor of response to CRT than QRSd
- Reduction of antibiotic use: For Johnny and his hamburger
- Researchers identify new target to battle rheumatoid arthritis
- Risk for colorectal cancer decreased among patients with IBD
- Scoring system may identify patients at risk for SSI after arthroplasty
- Trial fully enrolled for evaluation of vertebral compression fractures treatment system
- Vitamin E may reduce risk for liver cancer
- Whey-protein formulas failed to protect against atopic dermatitis