
April 02, 2012 Articles

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  1. Anti-VEGF may treat subfoveal idiopathic choroidal neovascularization
  2. Brodalumab significantly improved plaque psoriasis in study
  3. C. trachomatis prevalent among young, pregnant women
  4. Chlamydia common among asymptomatic women
  5. Corrected distance vision improves up to 10 years after cataract surgery in AMD patients
  6. Endoscopic transgastric necrosectomy for necrotizing pancreatitis may reduce proinflammatory response
  7. Famotidine ibuprofen combination reduced upper GI ulcers
  8. FDA approves generic irbesartan
  9. Geographic variation in cost of health care not linked to inappropriate care
  10. Health care associated infections decreased among immunosuppressed children
  11. High prevalence of infectious diseases identified in international adoptees
  12. HPV infection lasted longer in young black women
  13. Infection prevention, control policies inadequate to stop MRSA spread
  14. Linezolid showed promise in extensively drug resistant TB
  15. Linezolid showed promise in extensively drug resistant TB
  16. Link suggested between hypothyroidism, NAFLD
  17. Medial endosteal implant prevents varus collapse in patients with proximal humeral fractures
  18. Metformin before surgery appeared to slow prostate cancer growth
  19. Middle-of-the-night PCIs do not adversely affect success of next-day procedures
  20. More data on long-term safety, effectiveness of implants for TKR may be needed
  21. No association found between central graft thickness and visual acuity after DSEK
  22. Patients with coronary artery disease, persistent depression may have greater cognitive decline
  23. Streptococcus B prevalence low in pregnant women in Greece
  24. Sulcus-implanted IOL power should be based on axial length and predicted IOL power
  25. Vitamin D dose response in postmenopausal women can be used as recommended daily allowance guide
  26. What is arthritis?