
September 25, 2011 Articles

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  1. Accommodating IOL may be associated with higher rate of postop retinal detachment
  2. Bosutinib a potential second-line treatment for chronic-phase CML
  3. Canaloplasty offers an alternative to trabeculectomy
  4. Cancer vaccines targeted by many as the ‘holy grail’ for tumors
  5. Continued economic downturn affecting LASIK, PRK volumes
  6. Control rates similar after partial irradiation across various subtypes in early-stage breast cancer
  7. David J. Apple, MD, renowned ophthalmologist and educator, dies at age 69
  8. Differences in 1-year anatomical outcomes for CATT categorized as subtle
  9. Early death rate for APL remains high
  10. ENESTnd: Nilotinib superior to imatinib for response, disease-specific death in chronic-phase CML at 2 years
  11. FDA issues alert after repackaged bevacizumab causes endophthalmitis infections in Florida
  12. High rate of nurses exposed to chemotherapy drugs
  13. Ipilimumab: Unleashing the power of T-cells in advanced melanoma
  14. Locoregional outcomes unaffected by timing of chemotherapy
  15. Mammography continues to be beneficial in younger women
  16. MERCURY: MRI predicted outcomes for locally advanced rectal cancer
  17. Merger with Novartis to boost Alcon’s presence in global eye care market
  18. Modified trabeculectomy technique called effective, quick, reproducible
  19. Novel IOL design concepts raise bar
  20. NSABP C-07: No evidence adjuvant oxaliplatin improved OS in colon cancer
  21. Parental permission and the commitment to quality care
  22. Patient presents with progressive proptosis
  23. Post hoc analysis of GENEVA data supports earlier treatment using implant
  24. Recurrence, survival rates similar for breast conservation, mastectomy in younger women
  25. Refractive surgery technology advances may expand options for surgeons, patients
  26. Simple steps for surgeons to optimize phaco fluidics
  27. Targeting HPV 16/18 shows promise in cancer risk reduction
  28. The role of HPV testing in patients with oropharynx cancer
  29. Ticagrelor: A review of the data leading to FDA approval
  30. Timing allogeneic transplant for CLL/SLL
  31. UBM provides high-quality images of anterior segment tumor margins
  32. Will corneal collagen cross-linking technology affect the performance of surface ablation?