August 19, 2011 Articles
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- Blog: Progress continues in cardiac CTA
- DePuy Orthopaedics receives 510(k) clearance for TRUMATCH Personalized Solutions
- Intracorneal inlay shows improved uncorrected near visual acuity, high safety profile at 4 years
- Law professors claim academics ‘guest authoring’ ghostwritten medical journal articles should be charged with fraud
- Lidocaine gel applied before povidone-iodine thwarts ocular surface antisepsis
- Low vitamin D related to decreased response to bisphosphonates
- Newborn weight loss associated with maternal IV fluids
- Nine-point photographic vitreous haze grading technique proves reliable
- Providers still recommending yearly screening for cervical cancer, regardless of test results
- School-based hand washing program reduced rates of respiratory, gastrointestinal illness
- Short-term dark adaptation may be more reliable in identifying primary angle-closure suspects
- Study: Good antibody response to one or two doses of LAIV
- Trastuzumab associated with cardiotoxicity in elderly women with risk factors