
July 10, 2011 Articles

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  1. Access to pain management hampered by addiction fears, government regulations
  2. ACOs walk a tightrope between significant risks and ample benefits
  3. AXIS 1032: Axitinib associated with extended PFS in metastatic RCC
  4. Bevacizumab improved pathological, clinical response rates in metastatic breast cancer
  5. CA-125, transvaginal ultrasound for early detection did not reduce ovarian cancer mortality
  6. CLASSIC: Capecitabine, oxaliplatin bested observation in gastric cancer
  7. Combined 18F/18F FDG PET/CT scan shows potential for use in cancer detection
  8. COMFORT: Ruxolitinib improved response rates in myelofibrosis
  9. Early palliative care optimized timing of final IV chemotherapy, transition to hospice
  10. Elderly female presents with asymptomatic leukocytosis
  11. FACT: Addition of CA4P in combination therapy improved OS in anaplastic thyroid cancer
  12. FAME results suggest steroid implant an efficacious treatment option for DME
  13. ICON7: Bevacizumab reduced deaths by 36% in advanced ovarian cancer
  14. In time of change, the physician must remain the advocate of the patient
  15. IOL scaffolding technique helps prevent nucleus drop
  16. Ipilimumab plus dacarbazine improved survival in metastatic melanoma
  17. Issues and opportunities arise for the 55+ ophthalmologist
  18. MAP.3: Exemestane reduced risk for breast cancer by 65%
  19. Nearly half of stem cell transplant survivors had reduced neurocognitive function after 5 years
  20. Oral mucosal graft for chronic cicatricial conjunctivitis
  21. Patient reports history of decreased night vision
  22. Pemetrexed maintenance therapy prolonged PFS in advanced NSCLC
  23. Regional nodal irradiation reduced recurrence in high-risk early breast cancer
  24. Stent combined with phaco effectively manages elevated IOP
  25. Success of imatinib in man with CML-CP wanting to have children
  26. Sunitinib, non-ritonavir-based HAART well-tolerated in patients with HIV
  27. Targeted therapy increased response rates, survival in patients with molecular abnormalities
  28. Technological improvements enhance results, safety of traction retinal detachment surgery
  29. Three-year treatment with imatinib improves survival for high-risk GIST
  30. Time to treatment predictive for survival in colorectal cancer
  31. Unraveling mucous could be TTP therapeutic breakthrough
  32. US surgeon performing cross-linking with informed consent, without FDA approval
  33. Vaccine prolonged time to relapse in patients with follicular lymphoma
  34. Vemurafenib improved OS, PFS in V600EBRAF mutated melanoma
  35. What do ophthalmology practices stand to gain or lose as ACOs begin participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program?