
April 05, 2011 Articles

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  1. CDC updates catheter-related bloodstream infections guidelines
  2. EXCELLENT: Guidelines may have overestimated length of DAPT after DES
  3. ISAR-CABG: DES superior to BMS in saphenous vein graft lesions
  4. Merck to acquire Inspire Pharmaceuticals
  5. NAGOYA HEART: ARB, calcium antagonist equally effective in patients with diabetes, hypertension
  6. Platinum chromium stent performance comparable to cobalt chromium stent at 1 year
  7. PRK may improve quality of life in children with isoametropic amblyopia, neurobehavioral problems
  8. Pro Fit Optix launches new system for ordering complete eye wear
  9. Prognosis good for fusion after strabismus surgery in patients with brain injury
  10. REMEDIAL II: Contrast-induced acute kidney injury lowered with RenalGuard System
  11. RIVAL: More favorable outcomes documented for radial vs. femoral access
  12. Sanofi-aventis completes exchange offer for Genzyme Corporation
  13. Similar results seen with fixed- and mobile- bearing posterior stabilized TKAs
  14. Study finds higher prevalence of glaucoma among Asian Americans
  15. Study highlights injury rate for children operating all-terrain vehicles