
November 25, 2011 Articles

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  1. A 51-year-old male, non-smoker with hemoptysis and lung nodules
  2. ACIP recommends routine HPV vaccination for 11- to 12-year-old boys
  3. Adherent ocular bandage may help close, protect trabeculectomy wounds
  4. Age no longer a barrier to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
  5. Although safe, certain oral contraceptives confer increased risk for VTE
  6. Amniotic membrane embraced as versatile treatment for ocular surface disease
  7. Amniotic membrane transplant another achievement for ophthalmic surgeons
  8. Annual congress highlights benefits of tailoring treatment to disease risk factors, patients’ status
  9. Biomarker may detect GVHD of the gastrointestinal tract after HSCT
  10. Bisphosphonate use decreased contralateral breast cancer risk among ER-positive cases
  11. Cataract surgery in small eyes poses challenges, rewards
  12. Colleague, patient feedback on professionalism should be taken with caution
  13. CPS-II: Adult weight gain associated with increased risk for endometrial cancer
  14. DFMO had protective effect against nonmelanoma skin cancers
  15. Diabetes-cancer link raises flags
  16. Diabetes–cancer link raises flags for endocrinologists
  17. Do you glue or suture amniotic membrane grafts to treat ocular surface disease and tumors?
  18. Drinking plenty of fluids may decrease bladder cancer risk in men
  19. EPIC: Smoking surpasses hepatitis B in raising risk for hepatocellular carcinoma
  20. Epithelial thickness offers insight into presence of corneal ectasia
  21. Even low alcohol intake increased risk for breast cancer
  22. Eye surgery simulator enables residents to hone phacoemulsification skills
  23. FDA approves premarket application for melanoma device
  24. Folate intake not linked to pancreatic cancer risk
  25. Glitazone pretreatment boosted I-131 uptake
  26. Good refractive outcomes seen with advanced wavefront-guided LASIK
  27. Instrumentation, imaging, optics drive advances in cataract surgery
  28. Interruption of dabigatran therapy at times of surgery, colonoscopy and other procedures
  29. IOL scaffold prevents fragment drop in posterior capsular rupture
  30. Mammography appears unlikely to save a woman's life
  31. Management of medullary thyroid cancer remains challenging
  32. Model predicts progression of primary cornea guttata to Fuchs' corneal dystrophy
  33. No increased risk for second cancer after brachytherapy
  34. Non-carriers of familial BRCA mutations at no increased risk for breast cancer
  35. NSAIDs associated with reduced colorectal cancer mortality
  36. Participation gap in cancer screening between men and women
  37. Patient with latent prostate cancer reports history of decreased night vision
  38. PLCO: Annual chest radiographic screening failed to reduce lung cancer mortality
  39. Radioiodine ablation, TSH stimulation warranted in low-risk patients
  40. Reduction in surgery, evolution of systemic therapies highlight recent treatment
  41. Simultaneous LASIK, corneal inlay implantation improve near, distance vision
  42. Study finds link between myopia, open-angle glaucoma risk
  43. Subacute loss of vision, diplopia and headache in a pediatric patient
  44. Tear dysfunction influences corneal epithelial function, speaker says
  45. The quest for empathy in academic oncology
  46. Transplant recipients at increased risk for various cancer types
  47. Treatment for advanced NSCLC no longer a one-size-fits-all approach
  48. Unjustified use of hormone therapy high among elderly women with breast cancer
  49. White-on-white standard automated perimetry holds strong as visual field testing preference
  50. Yellow wavelength added to laser platform