
January 18, 2011 Articles

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  1. Ask the Experts: All-polyethylene or metal-backed tibia?
  2. CDC: 706 new cases of influenza confirmed for 2011
  3. Clinician: Enhanced depth imaging OCT assists in choroidal imaging
  4. Free-flap Breast Reconstruction Part II: Alternatives to the Abdominal Donor Site and Other Considerations
  5. Intraoperative aberrometry improves refractive outcomes in eyes with previous LASIK
  6. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report turns 50
  7. New accommodating IOL technologies set to expand presbyopia-correction options
  8. New glaucoma implants, techniques safely reduce IOP, medication use
  9. Only time will tell for OCT and clinical utility
  10. Physician airs concern regarding IOL material strength, hydrophilicity, glistening
  11. Sedentary time negatively associated with cardiometabolic, inflammatory biomarkers
  12. Surgeons should take a personal approach to educating patients about options, costs
  13. WHO Director-General outlines demands on organization, goals for future
  14. Zyga Technology, Inc. receives FDA 510(k) clearance for sacroiliac joint fusion system