
September 25, 2010 Articles

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  1. 2010 Imperial City Eye Meeting trains Vietnamese ophthalmologists
  2. Adding anti-VEGF to trabeculectomy may yield better wound healing conditions
  3. Better instrument design, increased indications boost popularity of MIVS
  4. British cataract surgeons report low use of prophylactic intracameral cefuroxime
  5. Data management software can eliminate charting errors
  6. Early outcomes offer high hopes for unique accommodating IOL
  7. Finding the time; using it wisely
  8. HIV/AIDS patients continue to battle cancers in the ART era
  9. How should clinicians approach non-AIDS defining cancers in aging patients with HIV?
  10. Latest-generation femtosecond laser may offer new option for corneal presbyopia surgery
  11. Microincision vitrectomy surgery: The latest step in minimally invasive ophthalmic techniques
  12. Midway tangential capsular flap can help rescue extending capsulorrhexis
  13. Online resources for surgical learning a boon for ophthalmology
  14. Reporting of ocular dryness symptoms may not correlate with screening results
  15. Similar results obtained with four femtosecond LASIK flap thicknesses
  16. Study suggests presence of stem-like cells in uveal melanoma
  17. Tamoxifen and antidepressants: What to do?
  18. Wavefront-optimized PRK successful in Air Force personnel
  19. What is the role of non-contact viewing systems vs. contact lens viewing systems in MIVS?
  20. Woman referred for bulging of right eye