
August 25, 2010 Articles

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  1. Accommodating IOL delivers full range of vision, contrast sensitivity
  2. Accreditation Council for CME provides input for FDA’s REMS initiatives
  3. Analysis of biometric data may supply cataract surgeons with normative values
  4. As regulatory pressure on practices mounts, would more performance incentives and a more stable physician payment system induce physicians to continue serving Medicare patients?
  5. Balancing risks and benefits
  6. Clotting factor reduced TKR complications for hemophilic patients
  7. Compliance with regulations threatens covenant of putting patients first
  8. Cultures collected after debridement can guide the timing of wound closure
  9. Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty a useful technique for selective tissue corneal transplantation
  10. Food fortification: Now B12 too?
  11. Fracture risk slightly increased in women who use depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
  12. Gender-specific TKA provides no clinical benefit vs. standard TKA in recent study
  13. Improvement in QOL essential for survivors of pediatric medulloblastoma
  14. Inspire clarifies collaboration agreement with Allergan
  15. Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy shows efficacy in treating retinal angiomatous proliferation
  16. Johnson & Johnson voluntarily recalls 13 affected lots of 1-Day Acuvue TruEye brand contact lenses
  17. Limbal stem cell transplantation improves vision, corneal clarity
  18. Medical practices prepare to weather regulatory challenges
  19. Murine leukemia virus-related gene sequences observed in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
  20. New accommodating IOL offers high rate of spectacle independence
  21. Obesity rates declining, but not in all adolescent groups
  22. Octreotide in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea
  23. Palliative Care
  24. Previous glaucoma a significant risk factor for IOP elevation after intravitreal anti-VEGF
  25. Specular microscope provides powerful magnification
  26. Study shows novel biologic pathway in AMD cascade
  27. Topical azithromycin restores normal lipid quality in meibomian gland secretions
  28. Versatile corneal, anterior segment imaging technologies improve accuracy
  29. Warming viscoelastics, lens implants can be beneficial
  30. What is the role of proton therapy in the treatment of children with medulloblastoma?
  31. Woman has slowly declining central vision