
July 25, 2010 Articles

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  1. Adaptive optics may drive future of posterior segment diagnostics
  2. Advice helps surgeons in training improve skills, knowledge, patient care
  3. Applying MMC to fibrovascular Tenon’s capsule protects sclera during pterygium surgery
  4. Does this new era of regulation put an undue burden on medical providers or does it truly serve the best interest of patients?
  5. Drug dosing and new measures of serum creatinine: Clear as mud
  6. Federal initiatives target overpayments in Medicare and Medicaid
  7. Getting started as an attending
  8. Girl has bilaterally increased IOP, abnormal pupils
  9. Integrative oncology combines conventional, CAM therapies
  10. Late surgery for orbital blowout fractures proves safe for younger patients
  11. Latest-generation femtosecond laser enables fast, precise LASIK flap creation
  12. New lens design may be more forgiving of residual refractive error
  13. NOV-002 demonstrated no benefit for advanced NSCLC
  14. Ophthalmologists must dedicate more time to understanding approved practice and billing patterns
  15. Preloaded IOL injector simplifies lens implantation
  16. Preop variables poorly predict graft dislocation after DSAEK
  17. Should integrative medicine be used in patients with cancer?
  18. Strides made in lung cancer research to develop more individualized treatment options
  19. Systemic immunosuppression may be safe, effective for ocular surface transplantation
  20. The ‘date’ with my daughter