
June 21, 2010 Articles

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  1. 25-gauge vitrectomy associated with higher rate of presurgical bacterial contamination
  2. AAO remains focused on relief efforts in Haiti
  3. AOA elects new Board of Trustees
  4. AOA Foundation adopts new name
  5. ASCO: No evidence to support routine hepatitis B virus screening before chemotherapy
  6. CellCoTec successfully implants first articular cartilage defect device
  7. Debate: Does long-term treatment with bisphosphonates cause fractures?
  8. Early menopause associated with CV events
  9. Endocrine disruptor may play role in pathophysiology of PCOS
  10. Endocrine Society scientific statement outlines benefits, risks of menopausal HT
  11. Experts debate thyroid hormone treatment for the euthyroid sick patient
  12. FDA approves HIV diagnostic assay that detects antigens and antibodies
  13. Fecal bacteriotherapy may be effective in treating relapsing C. difficile infection
  14. Fecal bacteriotherapy may be effective in treating relapsing C. difficile infection
  15. Low mortality risk associated with surveillance-treated low-risk prostate cancer
  16. Mediterranean diet positively linked with cardiac autonomic function
  17. MESA: Increased risk for coronary artery calcification in patients with microalbuminuria
  18. NIH director seeks greater transparency for biomedical research financial conflicts of interest
  19. Ophthalmic Web searches focus on refractive correction, seasonal allergic symptoms
  20. Proposed resolutions questioning ABO funding fail in AOA House of Delegates
  21. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut until Nov. 30; House vote expected
  22. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut until Nov. 30; House vote expected
  23. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut until Nov. 30; House vote expected
  24. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut until Nov. 30; House vote expected
  25. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut; House vote expected
  26. Senate stalls Medicare physician payment cut; House vote expected
  27. Smoking cessation program reduced early complication rate after acute fracture surgery
  28. Study describes U.S. experience with glucagon stimulating test