
March 15, 2010 Articles

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  1. Answer to the case of IOL decentration
  2. ASCOT-BPLA: BP variability more dangerous than high BP
  3. Bausch + Lomb names new board chairman, CEO
  4. Betrixaban had dose-dependent effect on major, non-major bleeding
  5. Betrixaban had dose-dependent effect on major, non-major bleeding
  6. CABANA: Catheter ablation effectively reduced AF
  7. CILON-T: Triple antiplatelet therapy associated with improved platelet reactivity
  8. CILON-T: Triple antiplatelet therapy associated with improved platelet reactivity
  9. Despite failed primary endpoints, AzaSite shows promise for treating blepharitis in clinical program
  10. Dexamethasone plus rituximab improved platelet counts in patients with ITP
  11. Endurance runners at risk for calcified coronary plaque
  12. FDA: No connection between bisphosphonates, femur fractures
  13. Final visual acuity similar in combined, consecutive surgeries to remove epiretinal membrane, cataract
  14. Hip fractures in grandfathers may be associated with weaker bones in grandsons
  15. Incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancers increasing
  16. ISAR-TEST-2: Polymer-free, second-generation stents bested first-generation stents at two years
  17. ISAR-TEST-2: Polymer-free, second-generation stents bested first-generation stents at two years
  18. Laser goniopuncture lowers IOP after deep sclerectomy but may have complications
  19. PERSEUS: First report shows positive results for novel paclitaxel-eluting stent
  20. RACE II: Lenient rate control noninferior to strict rate control
  21. Remote monitoring of implanted devices reduced time between onset of events, clinical decision-making
  22. Researchers identify proteins with strong ability to bind to lubricin
  23. Search beyond vancomycin for treatment of MRSA continues
  24. Search beyond vancomycin for treatment of MRSA continues
  25. Sodium bicarbonate not superior to chloride for prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy
  26. SORT OUT III: Sirolimus- outperformed zotarolimus-eluting stent at 18 months
  27. SORT OUT III: Sirolimus- outperformed zotarolimus-eluting stent at 18 months
  28. Special Masters reject thimerosal-autism link
  29. STOP-AF: Cryoablation with balloon catheter reduced paroxysmal AF
  30. Study finds that bone-implant contact is not correlated to osseointegration volume/total volume
  31. Viewpoint: Type 2 diabetes and exercise
  32. Zimmer Natural Knee celebrates 25 years of excellence