
March 10, 2010 Articles

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  1. Age, sex, socioecomonic factors affected access to and provision of care in Britain’s NHS Cancer Plan
  2. Becoming a student of ACL anatomy can improve ACL reconstruction results
  3. Bilateral lung lesions with primary papillary thyroid cancer
  4. Blacks present with different histologic subtypes of renal cell carcinoma
  5. Burgeoning phaco technologies improve visual outcomes and safety
  6. Controlling dietary polyamines may prevent colorectal adenomas
  7. Diabetes care in a down economy – put (a) spring in your step
  8. Difficult conversations: Exploring perspectives
  9. DSAEK allograft delivery system enables fold-free, small-incision technique
  10. Emerging techniques in hip care point to value-based orthopedic solutions
  11. Eprotirome further decreased atherogenic lipoproteins in statin-treated patients
  12. Fraud accusation ends in apparent murder-suicide
  13. Growing demand for eye care services may highlight shortage of ophthalmologists
  14. Guide to Phacoemulsifiers
  15. HIV and syphilis rates were highest among MSM
  16. Hospice use among patients with HF varied by race, ethnicity
  17. How can ophthalmologists make their offices more efficient in anticipation of increased patient loads?
  18. Inactivated influenza vaccine provided herd immunity
  19. Inactivated influenza vaccine provided herd immunity
  20. Inflammatory arthritis is a risk factor for major wound complications following TAA
  21. Integrated eye care model can help with possible shortage of ophthalmologists
  22. Larger cups and optimal positioning produced lowest metal ion levels and wear
  23. LV dyssynchrony after MI was predictive of death, HF
  24. Multifocal lens receives FDA approval, presbyopia-correcting IOL status from CMS
  25. New inside-outside technique for ‘terrible triad’ elbow injuries is reliable and reproducible
  26. New oral anticoagulants may replace warfarin
  27. Next generation of influenza vaccines may simplify storage, increase immunogenicity
  28. Next generation of influenza vaccines may simplify storage, increase immunogenicity
  29. Orthopedic researchers find sustained keratin release of antibiotics inhibits bacterial growth
  30. Patient complains of a gradual decrease in vision in both eyes
  31. Phacovitrectomy with foldable IOL improves visual acuity by three or more lines in most eyes
  32. Questionnaire could assist in determining glaucoma patients' medication instillation needs
  33. Rate of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection low without topical antibiotics
  34. Recommendations issued to reduce incidence of VTE
  35. Resectable breast carcinoma with incidental benign-appearing lesion in the sacrum
  36. Risk- and age-based recommendations for influenza vaccination may return
  37. Risk- and age-based recommendations for influenza vaccination may return
  38. Rosuvastatin safe, effective in adolescents
  39. Smith & Nephew releases new distal targeting system
  40. Sorafenib extended OS, TTP in HCC irrespective of ALT/AST/AFP levels
  41. Stem design critical in implant squeaking, according to recent study
  42. Stryker releases new mobile bearing hip, marks advancement in large head technology
  43. Study shows spike in myopia prevalence from 1971 to 2004
  44. Study: Enucleation preferred treatment for advanced unilateral retinoblastoma
  45. Study: Northern latitude of U.S. may be linked to risk of exfoliation syndrome
  46. Surgeons can use their preferred ACL graft fixation method, but it must be strong
  47. Surgical assertiveness index shows shift from 5 years ago
  48. Tibial implant pull-out forces directly related to time in situ, study finds
  49. TN category influenced survival, relapse, colostomy failure in anal cancer
  50. Turnaround technique useful for intracorneal ring implantation in eyes with false channel
  51. Two bimatoprost formulations have similar IOP reduction, different tolerability at 1 year
  52. Warfarin use increased risk for brain bleed after IV tissue plasminogen activator use
  53. Will the arrival of new oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran and rivaroxaban cause a rapid phase-out of the use of warfarin?