
February 04, 2010 Articles

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  1. AAO launches ophthalmic relief efforts in Haiti
  2. Advisory: ADT for prostate cancer may increase CVD risk, mortality
  3. Anwar technique most effective in exposing Descemet's membrane in DALK cases
  4. Bronchiolitis research supports AAP guidelines on diagnosis, treatment
  5. CT angiography offers noninvasive option for ruling out CAD
  6. Cyproterone, medroxyprogesterone most effective for reducing hot flushes in men with prostate cancer
  7. Enzastaurin not superior to lomustine for recurrent glioblastoma
  8. FDA announces risk for liver complications associated with didanosine
  9. Incision and drainage best option for small abscesses associated with CA-MRSA
  10. Lux Biosciences seeks marketing approval in US, Europe for noninfectious uveitis treatment
  11. Patients with certain HL at risk for transformation to aggressive lymphoma years later
  12. Peritoneal cytology conversion post-chemotherapy improved disease-specific survival in gastric cancer
  13. Recession expected to affect growth in national health expenditures
  14. Recession expected to affect growth in national health expenditures
  15. Recession expected to affect growth in national health expenditures
  16. Recession expected to affect growth in national health expenditures
  17. Researchers discover new treatment for complex regional pain syndrome
  18. Sunitinib improved survival, response in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors