
December 22, 2010 Articles

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  1. Acupuncture shows promising results in older children with anisometropic amblyopia
  2. Antibiotic infusion may provide high levels of concentration in knees revised for multiple infection
  3. Concussed high school athletes who have neuropsychological testing are sidelined longer
  4. Expanding HIV screening cost-effective measure to reduce spread
  5. FDA approves HPV vaccine for anal cancer
  6. FDA recalls blood cell separation device component
  8. Low retention rate reported for silicone punctal plugs placed by ophthalmology residents
  9. MRSA-candidate vaccine may elicit sustained immune response in patients at risk for S. aureus infections
  10. No link seen between BMD changes and decreased facture risk in patients taking calcium, vitamin D
  11. Orthofix International announces reorganization and settlement with NuVasive and Osiris Therapeutics
  12. Physicians on Facebook may risk compromising doctor-patient relationship
  13. Topical geographic atrophy drug may have limited treatment benefit