
November 10, 2010 Articles

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  1. Abiraterone acetate increased survival in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
  2. AIDS populations may receive cancer diagnosis at similar age as the general population
  3. Anterior segment OCT can be used to evaluate IOL tilt
  4. Anti-VEGF therapies may provide practice growth for comprehensive ophthalmologists
  5. Anti-VEGF therapy finds expanding role in ophthalmology
  6. AOA seeks nominees for paraoptometric award
  7. Aromatase inhibitors associated with increased hot flashes, fatigue, chest pain
  8. Axis marking technique optimizes toric IOL centration
  9. Black women less likely to receive locoregional, hormone therapy for breast cancer
  10. Cardiovascular disease may be factor in progression of exfoliative glaucoma
  11. Collagen scaffold spurs regeneration of corneal cells, nerves, tear film
  12. Combination of cross-linking, intracorneal ring implantation shows synergistic effects in study
  13. Disposable device enables safer, more efficient intravitreal injection
  14. Dual flu and pneumococcal vaccination may protect seniors from cardiovascular events
  15. Economics, rising demand may herald era of détente between eye care specialties
  16. Eight HPV types responsible for most cervical cancers worldwide
  17. Elderly have three-times greater mortality after falls than younger patients
  18. Everolimus increased PFS in rare neuroendocrine tumors
  19. Exercise associated with 34% reduced risk for endometrial cancer
  20. Focus of geriatric oncology shifting from age to patient
  21. Gram-negative susceptibility cards recalled due to incorrect test results
  22. Guide to IOLs and Injectors
  23. High economic burden, rates of revascularization for patients with PAD
  24. High pHER-2 levels associated with inferior DFS in HER-2–positive breast cancer
  25. High rate of primary congenital glaucoma found in Slovakian Roma population
  26. Higher keratocyte density found in LASEK patients treated with MMC
  27. Hormone therapy likely to increase deaths from breast cancer
  28. Intraoperative aberrometry slashes cataract enhancement rate
  29. Is there any role for prophylactic antibiotics in conjunction with intravitreal anti-VEGF injections?
  30. Judge dismisses whistleblower lawsuit naming Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush
  31. Light-adjustable IOL yields stable refractive outcomes
  32. Loss of central ICL vaulting associated with anterior subcapsular cataract in myopes
  33. Man presents with proptosis, chemosis and red eye after motorcycle crash
  34. Manual stretching program may be an effective initial treatment for plantar fasciopathy
  35. MicroAire, Arthrex settle patent infringement lawsuit
  36. Mind the fire: Managing and preventing burnout
  37. Molecular test predicts survival in prostate cancer
  38. Most Americans are concerned about Medicare payment cut
  39. New-concept materials may widen choice of IOLs in near future
  40. Nursing encouraged after pregnancy in breast cancer survivors
  41. OSN New York 2010 features outstanding faculty
  42. OSN New York 2010 Product Showcase
  43. Panitumumab did not significantly increase OS in recurrent, metastatic head/neck cancer
  44. Rasburicase more effective than allopurinol in controlling plasma uric acid in adults at high risk for tumor lysis
  45. Round table: Clinicians offer ways to handle parent worry, patching follow-up
  46. Second Annual World Pneumonia Day
  47. Second annual World Pneumonia Day slated for Nov. 12
  48. Sequential cisplatin-topotecan and carboplatin-paclitaxel increased toxicity with no improvement in efficacy in ovarian cancer
  49. Tai Chi may relieve arthritis pain, improve balance
  50. Texting intervention led to improvements in HIV treatment adherence
  51. Thyroid carcinoma metastatic to the skeleton with intense associated hypermetabolic activity
  52. Time to relapse after ibritumomab-tiuxetan treatment lower than that of previous treatments in follicular lymphoma
  53. TRACS
  54. Valproic acid at half normal dose shows benefit in patients with retinitis pigmentosa
  55. Vitamin D insufficiency linked to inferior survival in patients with NHL
  56. When is the right time to sell your practice?
  57. Women with triple-negative breast cancer aged younger than 50 years may benefit from BRCA testing