
January 25, 2010 Articles

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  1. A Medicare guide to ophthalmic ASC reimbursement
  2. A tragic loss
  3. Ablation on corneal optical center appears safer than on pupil center, study shows
  4. Advances likely in the delivery of currently available drugs
  5. CALGB 9712: Fludarabine plus rituximab extended long-term survival outcomes for CLL
  6. Cartilage repair techniques may ease the burden of OA on health services
  7. Case study: Woman presents with neovascular glaucoma
  8. Cataract surgery pearls for patients with AMD
  9. Dasatinib produced high rates of CCyR and MMR in early chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
  10. Defibrotide reduced incidence of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in pediatric stem cell transplantation
  11. ENCORE: Effects of DASH diet plus weight management equivalent to high-dose antihypertensive drugs
  12. ENCORE: Effects of DASH diet plus weight management equivalent to high-dose antihypertensive drugs
  13. Epimacular brachytherapy may ease treatment burden in AMD patients
  14. Face masks, hand hygiene help to reduce the spread of respiratory illness during influenza A (H1N1) pandemic
  15. Face masks, hand hygiene help to reduce the spread of respiratory illness during influenza A (H1N1) pandemic
  16. FDA grants conditional approval for Melody Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve
  17. Genetic code changes may help track global, local strains of MRSA infections
  18. GlucoPro insulin syringes recalled for faulty needles
  19. ICG is a good teaching tool but may be unnecessary with experience
  20. Intraocular implant technologies offer timed, targeted drug delivery
  21. Is there an advantage to administering bevacizumab directly to brain tumors using microcatheters?
  22. Large cohort study finds vision screening effective means of detecting amblyopia
  23. Long-term outcomes in patients with CLL better with fludarabine vs. chlorambucil
  24. Modified lamellar keratoplasty technique yields optimal visual outcomes and high graft survival rate
  25. New therapies improving survival in patients with glioblastoma
  26. Panitumumab plus FOLFOX4 extended PFS in wild-type KRAS metastatic colorectal cancer
  27. Panitumumab/FOLFIRI improved PFS in wild-type KRAS metastatic colorectal cancer
  28. Parenthood may have cardio-protective effects
  29. Parenthood may have cardio-protective effects
  30. Performing phaco-vitrectomy with silicone oil in severe ocular injuries
  31. Phase 3 trial of dry eye treatment fails to meet primary, secondary endpoints
  32. Preventing infectious complications in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  33. Second-line fludarabine, alemtuzumab superior to fludarabine alone for CLL
  34. Single human HSCs identified, engrafted into mice
  35. Stain repellent chemicals linked to adult thyroid disease
  36. Study shows higher prevalence of amblyopia among white preschool-aged children
  37. Successful management of open-globe injuries in soldiers suggests no disadvantage to delayed surgery
  38. T-cell depletion method provided good disease-free survival in AML
  39. The role of the patient advocate
  40. Treatment approaches for hematologic malignancies evolving
  41. University of Pittsburgh trial will investigate new osteoporosis drug
  42. Uveitis patient referred after not responding to therapy
  43. What technologies will lead the way for drug delivery in eye disease?