
March 11, 2009 Articles

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  1. Direct-to-doctor marketing, too
  2. Hepatitis C increased risk for immune thrombocytopenic purpura
  3. HIV patients with low CD4 cell counts may benefit from cryptococcal antigen screening
  4. HPV vaccine may offer protection from infection types not included in the vaccine
  5. Iridex posts fourth-quarter $6.5 million net loss, 14.1% decline in revenue
  6. Multiple trabecular microstents combined with phaco reduce IOP
  7. New therapies for acne offer choices
  8. Obama reverses federal restrictions on funding for embryonic stem cell research
  9. Obese women exhibited altered ovarian follicular environment
  10. Study finds rare peripapillary involvement in Stargardt's disease
  11. Sunesis sells LFA-1 inhibitor program to SARcode for $2 million
  12. Testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men