
November 25, 2009 Articles

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  1. Aging population contributes to rising glaucoma burden around the world
  2. Anti-VEGF alone offers superior reduction of diabetic macular edema compared with laser photocoagulation
  3. ASCO to help provide oncology training in developing nations
  4. Can we save money by spending more? A case for cancer research
  5. Cediranib showed anticancer activity in recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer
  6. Cetuximab with FOLFOX6, FOLFIRI demonstrated high response rates in advanced colorectal cancer
  7. Clinician: Health care reform could increase rate of retiring ophthalmologists, necessitating increase in ophthalmology residents
  8. Combination antiretroviral therapy may prove most beneficial by maintaining higher CD4 counts
  9. Comprehensive screening guidelines issued for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers
  10. Continued advancements needed for best treatment of glaucoma
  11. Contralateral breast cancer risk may depend on age and BRCA gene affected
  12. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes provided long- term protection from EBV–positive lymphoma
  13. Distribution of body fat a factor in assessing risk for VTE
  14. Eye ache not fitting a benign syndrome needs workup to determine cause
  15. Features of breast lobule predicted breast cancer risk
  16. First patient office visit vital to establishing effective glaucoma medical therapy, clinician says
  17. Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1921
  18. Giving thanks
  19. High impact activities may greatly improve bone health in older athletes
  20. High-intensity CRC screening intervention not cost-effective in small practices
  21. Immunosuppressant moderately viable alternative to steroids for ocular inflammation
  22. Insomnia more prevalent among patients treated with chemotherapy
  23. LAP2: Laparoscopy safe for staging in patients with uterine cancer
  24. Lapatinib, letrozole increased PFS for HR+, HER2+ metastatic breast cancer
  25. Local excision alone enough for highly selected patients with low/intermediate-grade DCIS
  26. Managing transient, anatomic and long-term complications of cataract surgery
  27. Multiple operations and poor adduction linked to development of exotropia
  28. New approach needed for breast and prostate cancer screening
  29. New cataract instruments boost safety and visual, refractive outcomes
  30. Novel glaucoma drug delivery system similar to 'insulin pump,' clinician says
  31. Onc talk: Helping patients know their diseases inside and out
  32. Ophthalmic, orthopedic specialties had high numbers of adverse events, study finds
  33. Opioid-induced adverse effects and their management
  34. Positioning tools for ring device facilitate pupil engagement
  35. PresbyLASIK procedure shows safe and effective long-term results
  36. Seasonal vaccine may not induce cross-reactive antibody response to influenza A (H1N1)
  37. Seasonal vaccine may not induce cross-reactive antibody response to influenza A (H1N1)
  38. Should VTE prophylaxis be administered to inpatients and outpatients with cancer?
  39. Study shows steady myopic shift in patients with strabismus and proper alignment
  40. Studying biological, environmental risk factors 'next step' in determining genetic role in pseudoexfoliation risk
  41. Suicide ideation increased among adult survivors of childhood cancer
  42. Testing for angle-closure glaucoma should be based more on physiological factors, expert says
  43. Thromboprophylaxis compliance at forefront of oncology discussions
  44. Treating indigent glaucoma patients is financially difficult but necessary, clinician says
  45. Understanding mindset of optic neuritis patients can be helpful in delivering care
  46. Utility of refractive surgery in pediatric patients
  47. Visual impairment directly and indirectly predicted mortality in older subjects
  48. What is one cost-effective way of reducing visual loss from glaucoma in aging populations around the world?
  49. Woman presents with complaints of seeing ‘stars’ in right eye