
July 10, 2008 Articles

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  1. A positive PET/CT after treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  2. Anabolic agent and appetite stimulant improved weight gain, lean body mass
  3. Anterior segment OCT useful in preop, postop evaluations of refractive surgery patients
  4. Aspheric IOLs appear to offer better vision to some glaucoma patients
  5. Automated anterior lamellar keratoplasty combines dermoid excision, fibrin glue
  6. Cerimon initiates phase 2 trial of noninfectious uveitis treatment
  7. Cushing syndrome and bilateral adrenal enlargement
  8. Diabetes education in the inpatient setting: Who really needs the education?
  9. Exercise and bone health
  10. FDA panel recommends expanded diabetes drug testing
  11. Hospital system settles excessive compensation case for $7.775 million
  12. Ice hockey turns into leisure-time passion for these physicians
  13. Impaired fertility linked to radiation dose in survivors of childhood cancer
  14. IOL injector technology aims to keep pace with microincisional phaco platforms
  15. Learn how to provide care for the whole patient
  16. Now hear this — or maybe you can’t, if you have survived breast cancer
  17. Ophthalmic partnership happiness dependent on key success factors
  18. Pediatric endocrinologist makes time for young campers
  19. Periocular anesthetic injection with sedation linked to reflex sneezing, study suggests
  20. Principles of glaucoma therapy: Past, present and future
  21. Reproductive liberty and social reform in the shape of a pill
  22. Reproductive liberty and social reform in the shape of a pill
  23. RNA signature predicted lung cancer in asymptomatic smokers
  24. Screening for breast cancer in the oldest old
  25. Senate acts to halt Medicare payment cuts
  26. Senate passes bill to stall Medicare physician payment cuts
  27. Should intraperitoneal chemotherapy become the standard of care for ovarian cancer?
  28. Should IP/IV chemotherapy be the standard for ovarian cancer?
  29. Significance of glucose excursions in hospitalized patients
  30. Standard chemotherapy was superior to capecitabine in older patients
  31. Study identifies common indications, causes for resuturing after PK
  32. Suspicious ulcerations about the lower extremity
  33. The present and future of glaucoma treatment
  34. Two-handed double-barreled DSAEK maintains anterior chamber
  35. U.S. laws struggle to keep up with gender advances
  36. Washington Update
  37. Weighing the options for adjuvant therapy after lumpectomy
  38. Woman presents with progressive unexplained visual loss in right eye