
June 07, 2008 Articles

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  1. ADVANCE: intensive glucose control reduced micro- and macrovascular disease together by 10%
  2. Combination sitagliptin/metformin improved beta-cell function, HbA1c at two years
  3. DIAD: Favorable 5-year outcome for asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes and no CAD history
  4. Dietary protein intake debated at ADA meeting
  5. From HbA1c to estimated average glucose: making life easier for patients, physicians
  6. Glycemic control, fasting plasma glucose improved with once-weekly exenatide
  7. LEAD 3: Liraglutide reduced blood glucose, weight, blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes
  8. Obesity is a driving factor for increased CVD risk among adolescents