
May 10, 2008 Articles

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  1. “Diabetes for Dummies” author pens smart books for patients
  2. Advanced surgical technique: Two-stage anterior lamellar keratoplasty
  3. Alcon reacts to news of potential Novartis buyout
  4. Anterior segment OCT useful in 700-µm cataract surgery
  5. Anti-inflammatory drug improved glycemia in obese young adults
  6. ASCRS to co-fund, participate in LASIK quality-of-life study
  7. Bioidentical … to what?
  8. Can NSAIDs improve cataract surgery outcomes?
  9. Depression linked to low testosterone levels
  10. Despite efforts, limited efficacy exists for dietary supplements
  11. Discrepancy in colonoscopy screening among ethnic groups
  12. Do psychiatric adverse events outweigh the potential metabolic effects of some drugs?
  13. Dominant biological systems similar for certain diseases
  14. Enlarging mediastinum on PET/CT after treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  15. Experts weigh value of weight loss, new drugs against adverse events
  16. Glaucoma surgical innovations explore new pathways for aqueous outflow
  17. Idiopathic foot injury in a patient with diabetes
  18. Incoming ASCRS president calls for innovation in education, advocacy
  19. Insulin resistance higher among women with PCOS
  20. Is eye care slowly ‘industrializing?’
  21. Is prostate cancer overtreated?
  22. Low TSH and risk for osteoporosis: a review
  23. Low-income Hispanic patients less likely to monitor blood glucose
  24. Man experiences progressive loss of peripheral vision
  25. Nilotinib: a second generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor for the treatment of CML
  26. Pressure increases for public disclosure of payments from manufacturers
  27. Prevention and treatment of cystoid macular edema
  28. Prognosis for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma improved since 1990
  29. Progression-free survival increased with FOLFOX4 and surgery
  30. Prostate cancer – Is it overtreated?
  31. Reducing the risk of endophthalmitis using prophylaxis
  32. State of the art: Treatment prospects for herpes simplex disease
  33. Surface ablation and NSAIDs: Clinical studies on analgesia and wound healing
  34. Survey finds MRSA has risen to top of list of infection culprits
  35. T3: Not just for treating the thyroid
  36. The case of the relapsing pituitary enlargement with galactorrhea
  37. The cost of physical inactivity
  38. The shoe-fitting fluoroscope: a little known application of the X-ray
  39. The shoe-fitting fluoroscope: a little known application of the X-ray
  40. Thyroid hormone has multiple effects on cholesterol synthesis and metabolism
  41. Treating bowel dysfunction
  42. Urethral cancer: no consensus on treatment
  43. Variety of hobbies complement this physician’s life
  44. Warfarin dose influenced by both CYP2C9 and VKORC1
  45. Washington Update
  46. With reimbursement cuts looming, physicians must master financial aspects of glaucoma treatment