December 03, 2008 Articles
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- Alcon receives approval in Europe for fixed combination glaucoma drop
- Chemohormonal therapy did not improve survival for metastatic prostate cancer
- Errors of compassion
- FDA suggests labeling change for low–molecular-weight heparin
- Gene expression model predicted survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Link observed between genetic variation, CAD in type 2 diabetes
- MRI reveals new injuries in young gymnasts that could lead to osteoarthritis
- No benefit for nasal insulin in preventing, delaying type 1 diabetes
- Scanning laser polarimetry could be used to detect, monitor glaucomatous progression
- Statistics for clinicians
- Study: Corneal biomechanical properties decrease after LASIK
- Triamcinolone after pars plana vitrectomy for diabetic hemorrhage reduces rebleeding, reoperation