
October 25, 2008 Articles

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  1. ‘You’ll be a better doctor for this one day’
  2. Age is not just a number when it comes to cancer treatment
  3. Cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic syndrome
  4. Collaboration of physicians behind first observations of Prader-Willi syndrome
  5. Complications can result after uneventful PRK
  6. Despite the limitations of current formulations, is it more important to bring a compound to market and then allow the public to decide?
  7. Effect of incision size in cataract surgery must be considered
  8. Expert explains latest advances in ophthalmic antibiotics
  9. Growth and Growth Hormone: Current Applications and Clinical Updates
  10. Health plans and the economic crisis: Is there a difference between the candidates’ health plans?
  11. Higher complication rates seen after thyroid surgery in elderly patients
  12. Increased estrogen use, dosage associated with increased risk for GERD symptoms
  13. Initiative moves toward eliminating trachoma worldwide
  14. Intracranial pressure may play significant role in glaucoma
  15. James Ewing: ‘The Chief’ of cancer pathology
  16. Low-cost generic programs help make medication co-pays more affordable
  17. Male ‘pill’ making progress, but under-supported
  18. Many FDA-approved drug trial results remain unpublished
  19. McCain plans to give control of health care back to the patient-consumers
  20. Meeting Patient Expectations
  21. Methylnaltrexone and opioid-induced constipation
  22. Monitoring, discussion effective for adolescents with diabetes
  23. Obama calls for a national health plan, mandatory coverage for children
  24. Ospemifene improved common, bothersome vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women
  25. Patient has visual loss 1 day after cataract surgery
  26. Precut corneal grafts yield positive visual outcomes in keratoplasty
  27. Proposed joint venture to accelerate refractive innovations
  28. Review of A1cNow+ point-of-care device for monitoring HbA1c
  29. Roundtable: Creating a New Standard for Cataract Surgery
  30. Should there be more elderly-specific clinical trials?
  31. Study identifies gene associated with geographic atrophy
  32. Study shows vitreous provides support for dropped nucleus during phacoemulsification
  33. Survey: Ophthalmologists gradually adopting EMRs
  34. Tough economic times may necessitate practice changes
  35. TRANSCEND: Telmisartan may be potential treatment for high-risk diabetes, vascular disease
  36. Waistline may be predictor for cardiovascular disease
  37. When a diagnosis is off everyone’s radar screen