
October 15, 2007 Articles

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  1. Advanced phaco tip design makes surgery safer
  2. Anti-VEGF agents have sparked swift, dramatic changes in wet AMD treatment
  3. Balloon kyphoplasty improved quality of life, reduced back pain and disability
  4. Calculating risk key to determining who develops glaucoma
  5. CCC technique preferred method for cataract surgery
  6. Coordination of EMR networks lacks ‘common infrastructure’
  7. Dual pump feature increases control and efficiency
  8. Durrie: Corneal refractive surgery headed to the sub-Bowman layer
  9. Endophthalmitis should not overshadow other severe complications, surgeon says
  10. Folkman: Angiogenesis research rooted in ophthalmology
  11. Genentech to cease supplying bevacizumab to compounding pharmacies
  12. Glaucoma patient complains of foreign body sensation, decreased vision
  13. Innovations enhance current phacoemulsification systems
  14. Mixing lenses may enhance refractive performances
  15. New technology for preocclusion surgery
  16. Outreach organizations meet ophthalmic need in New Orleans
  17. Program focuses on recovering payments for Medicare
  18. Safer phaco technology: Four pearls for the 4+ brunescent nucleus
  19. Toric IOLs offer greater efficacy for treating regular astigmatism
  20. Variety of remedies available for postoperative challenges