March 01, 2002 Articles
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- A look back: 20 years in pediatric ophthalmology
- Agents in development for AMD, vitreolysis show promise
- ARBO, NBEO continue to discuss possible merger
- AREDS is changing the minds of general ophthalmologists
- Combination trial finds less burning with brinzolamide 1% than dorzolamide 2%
- Conjunctival autologous graft safe, effective for bleb revision
- Dr. Sadun honored for work during blindness epidemic in Cuba
- Effort to legislate preschool eye exams gains momentum across the country
- FDA panel recommends approval for corneal refractive therapy device
- From the office to the military: addressing occupational visual needs
- Future treatments for allergy may get away from steroids
- Hawaii 2002 shows specialty’s progress
- India’s government tackles challenges of eye care
- IOLs: a wide selection of new products from which to choose
- Liquidity is vital to practice
- Medication, surgery equally effective as initial glaucoma treatments: CIGTS
- Morgan lens safe and effective for long-term use in corneal infections
- Post-LASIK dry eye can be managed effectively, surgeons say
- Risk factor in TTT provokes doubts concerning long-term efficacy
- Routine eye care can help your patients perform better
- Severe ocular abnormalities found in children born after in vitro fertilization
- Some eyelid lesions require injections, excision
- Studies point to aspects of best IOL designs
- Study: ofloxacin more effective with 3 days of treatment than 1 hour
- Surgeon: more proof needed to back LASEK