
November 01, 2001 Articles

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  1. AAO: Medicare fee schedule 'slams' physicians
  2. Anterior and posterior chamber phakic IOLs have different advantages
  3. AREDS reinforces earlier cataract risk-factor findings
  4. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announce new fee schedule
  5. Corticocapsular adhesions are a snag in phacoemulsification
  6. Distance diagnosis proving adequate for those at the ‘top end’ of Australia
  7. GenTeal Gel eases dry eye in post-LASIK patients
  8. LASEK an alternative to PRK and LASIK
  9. Laser ablation used to treat chronic open-angle glaucoma in pilot study
  10. LASIK improves functional results of PKP
  11. Late complications show vigilance still needed in IOL manufacturing, testing
  12. Monitor for complications when managing traumatic retinal hemorrhages
  13. New technology improves clinical performance of 2001 Alcon Legacy
  14. Non-penetrating glaucoma surgery needs better wound healing control, surgeon says
  15. Nutrition, medication, surgery hold hope for AMD treatment
  16. Pars plana capsulotomy effectively manages posterior capsule in pediatric cataract: study
  17. Prescribe peace of mind for your patients
  18. Rare fungal pathogen in PRK patient baffles doctors
  19. Reassess your risk in light of market changes
  20. Restrictive consultation language lifted from North Dakota law
  21. Retinal analyzers: well worthwhile in glaucoma practices
  22. Study: Artisan lens useful in correcting high myopia
  23. Study: caffeine not a culprit in early age-related maculopathy
  24. Study: no effect on ocular circulation seen with Viagra
  25. Trabecular meshwork most logical site for glaucoma gene therapy
  26. Undilated retinal evaluation possible with high-magnification fundus lenses
  27. Woodcutter technique splits hard nuclei effectively