November 01, 2000 Articles
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- Broader range of retinal detachments benefit from laser more than surgery
- China’s rapid economic growth may benefit medicine, ophthalmology
- Conductive keratoplasty offers hyperopes a non-laser alternative
- Diabetes has many faces in the eye care practice
- Directed drug therapy addresses glaucoma’s origins
- Dry eye successfully treated with oral flaxseed oil
- ICG, fluorescein: complementary tests
- Intacs after LASIK restores prolate corneal shape
- LASIK pricing: looking into the crystal ball with a group of experts
- Measure stromal bed to ensure proper flap thickness
- MemoryLens is back on the U.S., European markets
- NC Medical Board reverses summer decision on CPT codes for ODs
- No anesthesia cataract surgery can be an option
- Observation may work for macular hemorrhage secondary to retinal arterial macroaneurysms
- Ocular massage can help treat central retinal artery occlusion
- Phaco with viscocanalostomy improves safety, reduces complications in glaucoma patients
- Preset phaco parameters allow surgeons to switch surgical maneuvers
- Proper ICL vaulting important
- Quality-of-life parameters rarely include visual field loss
- Reducing ultrasound time can optimize Sovereign use
- Results 'promising' for laser treatment for retinal angiomatosis
- Retina is affected by amblyopia
- Retinal detachment after resection of choroidal melanoma is less frequent, less threatening
- RRD after LASIK must be managed promptly
- Silicone hydrogels alleviate many risks associated with extended wear
- Single-use, reusable Moria One microkeratomes compare favorably
- Stay on top of new systemic diabetes therapy to help monitor ocular conditions
- Study: Acrylic, thermoplastic IOLs are comparable
- Study: Moria microkeratome resistant to intraoperative flap complications
- Study: negative cylinder ablations favorable to other methods
- Symptoms, practitioner experience determine when to monitor, refer retinal disease
- Take new approach to identify glaucoma risk factors not related to pressure
- Topo-link ablation compares favorably with standard LASIK, but alignment must be improved
- Transscleral diode laser coagulation effectively treats threshold ROP
- Vascular abnormalities linked to glaucomatous optic neuropathy