December 01, 1999 Articles
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- 7-year follow-up of AcrySof IOL continues to show good visual acuity and low PCO
- Clinicians agree, patients should be referred for retinal consult at first sign of macular edema
- Contact lens researchers update their study results
- Correspondence
- Diagnostic instruments may offer more sensitive response
- Discam data is accurate and reproducible, studies show
- Experiment supports betaxolol neuroprotection
- Good patient records benefit your practice, your staff, your patients
- Link between topography and laser can target astigmatism
- Lower PCO may result from ‘wrapping’ capsule around
- Macular degeneration: the last great frontier?
- Managed Care Improvement Act passes in the House
- Minimal stress technique offers advantages for cataract removal
- More evidence suggests IOL optic material and design can affect PCO
- NCQA releases 2000 managed care guidelines
- Nevada ODs authorized to treat glaucoma
- New leaders of the communications revolution evolve
- Ophthalmology objects to Italy’s health care changes
- Photodynamic therapy found to slow visual loss in patients with macular
- Physician shares his personal experience with Intacs implantation
- Pilot study data indicate macular degeneration responds to nutrition
- Size, severity of injury, level of pain determine treatment for corneal abrasion
- Study finds CeeOn IOLs significantly differ in PCO rates
- Submacular surgery evaluated for CNV, macular degeneration
- Survey finds similar practice patterns in America, Europe
- The oculoplastic subspecialty offers surgeons the opportunity to expand their practices