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December 05, 2024
4 min read

Q&A: Many Americans say holiday stress is worse this year

Key takeaways:

  • Financial concerns, grieving a loved one and difficult family dynamics were among the top stressors.
  • Two psychiatrists shared tips on how patients and clinicians can manage their holiday stress.

Twenty-eight percent of Americans said they are more stressed about the holidays this year compared with last year, according to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychiatric Association.

The survey, which was fielded by Morning Consult in November, included responses from 2,201 adults in the United States.


Many respondents reported grieving or missing a loved one (47%) and struggling with difficult family dynamics (35%). About half (46%) said they were stressed about affording holiday gifts, with 54% of respondents aged 18 to 34 years being “very” or “somewhat” worried vs. 38% of respondents aged 65 years and older.

In addition, 36% of respondents said they were “very” or “somewhat” anxious about COVID-19, representing a 3% increase from 2023.

Still, 41% of respondents said they are looking forward to being with friends and family; 24% are looking forward to eating food; and 8% are looking forward to taking time off.

Howard Y. Liu

Healio spoke with APA President Ramaswamy Viswanathan, MD, DrMedSec, and Howard Y. Liu, MD, MBA, chair of the APA’s Council on Communications, about the survey results and how patients and clinicians can improve their holiday mental health.

Healio: More than half of younger adults said they are worried about affording holiday gifts. What are some talking points that psychiatrists can use during conversations with their patients who share these concerns?

Viswanathan: Try not to spend beyond your means. Economic burdens have run high in our polling for the last 4 years, and that makes sense given the challenges we’ve all shared. What’s important to remember is that connecting with supportive family and friends is more meaningful to our mental health than the commercial aspects of the season. Secret Santa, where each person buys a gift for one person rather than buying gifts for everyone, could be a good option.

Liu: Every holiday season, we end up with many gift cards, gifts that we don’t really need, and often a sense of guilt if we receive a gift when we didn’t give one in return or received a more extravagant gift than we can afford to reciprocate. This year, give yourself permission to prioritize time, rather than money. One possibility is to announce to your family, friends and on your favorite social media platform that your theme this year is to really spend quality time with people. Instead of getting a gift card, schedule time for coffee. If you can’t afford coffee, schedule a walk together, a board game night, a movie night at home, etc. Consider thoughtful gifts — creating a video montage of favorite moments, writing a handwritten card with real effort, etc.

Healio: There was a small increase in the percentage of participants who are anxious about COVID-19. Why do you think this number is rising?

Viswanathan: For one thing, COVID has not gone away, contrary to people’s expectations. People hear about someone’s vacation or travel plans getting canceled because they contracted COVID, or they have to miss out on some events or cancel appointments. It kindles one’s sense of vulnerability. Stress lowers your immune system and ability to fight sickness. The holidays can be stressful, and there is also more crowding. Both of these increase the probability of catching COVID, along with the fact that most people don’t wear protective masks anymore. People are also likely getting together with older family members and children and don’t want to expose them if they happen to come down with COVID-19, which can be anxiety-provoking.

Liu: Many of us are hearing increasing coughing in social settings, whether it is in airports or at family gatherings. These days, fewer people are testing or masking, so this can create anxiety when we are around a lot of people (especially a lot of coughing people).

Healio: What advice do you have for clinicians who are struggling with holiday stress themselves?


  1. Lean into the things that make you happy if you are feeling stressed during the holidays.
  2. Despite time off from work, the holidays are a high-energy time packed with activities that can be overwhelming for some people. Don’t be afraid to say no to holiday invitations if you are feeling the weight of stress.
  3. It is important to protect your sleep. Try to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep every night.
  4. Check in with yourself and know that help is available when you need it.
  5. Reflecting on the year you’ve had can be therapeutic and even fun at times. Consider examining why the people in your life are important to you, and whether to strengthen, or cut off, some of your connections.

Liu: As psychiatrists, we need to be present when others are sharing their pain or doubt. To be present, we need to prioritize our own well-being. As clinicians, we are often trained to put the needs of our patients and colleagues above our own. But we all know how that can be a recipe for burnout, and sometimes increased anxiety or depression. We can take the holiday season to spend quality time with colleagues, loved ones, or just to unplug on our own. If we’re more introverted, it’s a great time to finally read that novel we have sitting on our bookshelf or do some reflective writing, art or poetry. If we’re more extroverted, blocking out our schedule to plan or engage in social events is important to recharge our own batteries. At the end of the day, we can’t be there for others if we have nothing left for ourselves.
