Updates for National Suicide Prevention Week: Magnetic seizure therapy, Q&A with AFSP
In 2017, suicide was the 10th-leading cause of death overall in the United States, with more than 47,000 deaths attributed, according to CDC data.
The COVID-19 pandemic has appeared to exacerbate overall mental health issues, including suicidal ideation, with 11% of U.S. adult respondents of a web-based survey reporting having seriously considered suicide, per data published in MMWR.
Sept. 6-12 marks National Suicide Prevention Week, and Sept. 10 marks World Suicide Prevention Day. To highlight the observances, Healio Psychiatry has compiled a list of important research and guidance related to suicide.
Magnetic seizure therapy may decrease suicidality
Magnetic seizure therapy appeared to decrease suicidality among patients with treatment-resistant depression, according to results of a nonrandomized controlled trial published in JAMA Network Open. Read more.
Brief suicide prevention interventions may reduce subsequent suicide attempts
Incorporation of brief suicide prevention interventions into routine acute care practice may reduce subsequent suicide attempts, according to results of a systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry. Read more.
Esketamine nasal spray may rapidly reduce depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation with intent
Esketamine nasal spray appeared to rapidly reduce depressive symptoms among severely ill patients with major depressive disorder who had active suicidal ideation with intent, according to a study published in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Read more.
Features of suicide risk flags detected via machine learning greatly influence clinical decision-making
Most clinicians reported that suicide risk flags in electronic medical records influenced their clinical decision-making, with their decision tied significantly to which features were highlighted rather than the risk flag presence alone, according to study results published in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Read more.
Q&A: AFSP discusses the clinician's role in suicide prevention
Healio Psychiatry spoke with Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, vice president of research for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, about how to identify patients who are at risk, how clinicians can have open conversations with these patients and research priorities to aid prevention efforts. Read more.