Editorial Policy and Philosophy

Mission statement: Infectious Diseases in Children strives to be the global, definitive information source for pediatric professionals by delivering timely, accurate, authoritative and balanced reports on clinical issues, socioeconomic topics and industry developments, as well as presenting clinically relevant information on medical therapies for the benefit of the patient.

Article intention: Articles are intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment. All opinions expressed by authors and quoted sources are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, publishers or editorial boards of SLACK Incorporated. The acceptance of advertising in no way implies endorsement by the editors, publishers or editorial boards of SLACK Incorporated.

Article review process: All articles posted on Healio.com/Pediatrics are reviewed by the Chief Medical Editor and Executive Editor, who are solely responsible for deciding upon their acceptance, rejection or need for revision, based upon their appropriateness to the mission of the publication. All staff-written news reports are sent to quoted sources for verification of medical accuracy. Quotes and other information in staff-written news reports are verified for accuracy with sources prior to publication. Excluded from this policy are Healio.com/Pediatrics website-first articles, which are not sent to sources to facilitate the rapid dissemination of this news. Letters and other unsolicited material are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to review and editing. Unsolicited physician-written and other expert-written original articles are encouraged but also are subject to the editorial process and additional review by the appropriate subspecialty Section Editor.

Because Healio.com/Pediatrics reports on emerging technologies, techniques and medical therapies, some reports may discuss drug and device applications that either are not approved by the appropriate regulatory body and/or the Food and Drug Administration or are not considered to be within the standard practice of medicine. In lieu of placing a trademark symbol at each occurrence of a trademark name, we acknowledge here that the omission is due to the editorial nature of the publication and with no intention of trademark infringement.

Dateline policy: In the interest of accountability and transparency in its reporting practices, Healio.com/Pediatrics includes datelines with articles only if the reporter attended the presentation of the information on which they reported. As a prerequisite for publication, all authors and quoted sources are asked to disclose fully and specifically any direct financial interest in products mentioned in articles, as well as their status as paid consultants or employees for any companies mentioned.

Contact any editorial board member at Infectious Diseases in Children/Pediatric Annals, 6900 Grove Rd., Thorofare, NJ 08086; 856-848-1000 or 800-257-8290, fax: 856-853-5991
E-mail: infectiousdisease@healio.com
Web site: www.healio.com

General Requirements for Print and Web Advertising: Advertisements for professional and non-professional products or services are accepted provided they are in harmony with the policy of service to the health care profession and subject to the Publisher’s approval. To maintain the integrity of SLACK Incorporated publications, advertising cannot influence editorial decisions or editorial content. Products or services eligible for advertising shall be germane to, effective in, and useful in a) the practice of medicine, b) medical education, and/or c) health care delivery, and shall be commercially available. In addition, products and services that are offered by responsible advertisers that are of interest to physicians, nurses, other health care professionals, and consumers are also eligible for advertising. Pharmaceutical products must comply with FDA regulations regarding advertising and promotion. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products may not be advertised. Acceptance of advertising in no way implies endorsement by the editors, publishers, or editorial boards of SLACK Incorporated.

Guidelines for Advertising Copy:

  1. The advertisement should clearly identify the advertiser of the product or service offered. In the case of pharmaceutical advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient shall appear.
  2. Layout, artwork, and format shall be readily distinguishable from editorial content and avoid any confusion with the editorial content of the publication. The word “advertisement” may be required.
  3. Unfair comparisons or unwarranted disparagement of a competitor’s products or services will not be allowed.
  4. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to the marketing and sale of its products. Acceptance of advertising in SLACK publications should not be construed as a guarantee that the manufacturer has complied with such laws and regulations.
  5. Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading.
  6. Advertisements will not be accepted if they are offensive in either text or artwork, or contain attacks or derogations of a personal, racial, sexual, or religious nature, or are demeaning or discriminatory toward an individual or group on the basis of age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, physical appearance, or disability.