July 18, 2014
2 min read

MenACWY-CRM booster dose elicited robust immune response

Recent data show children who received a booster dose of MenACWY-CRM following primary immunization with either MenACWY-CRM-D or MenACWY-D had strong immune responses 2 years after vaccination.

Roger Baxter, MD, of Kaiser Permanente Vaccine Study Center in Oakland, Calif., and colleagues assigned children aged 19.2±2.3 years to groups according to whether they had previously received primary vaccination with MenACWY-CRM (Menveo, Novartis) (n=131) or MenACWY-CRM-D (Menactra, Sanofi Pasteur) (n=76); a booster dose of MenACWY-CRM 3 years after primary vaccination with MenACWY-CRM (n=44) or MenACWY-D (n=31); or no vaccination (n=107). Human complement serum bactericidal activity (hSBA) was assessed for serogroups A, C, W and Y. The study was conducted from February 2009 to November 2012.

Roger Baxter, MD

Roger Baxter


Five years after primary vaccination, children who received MenACWY-CRM or MenACWY-D maintained hSBA 1:8 or greater against serogroups C, W and Y. There was a greater percentage of children who received MenACWY-CRM with hSBA 1:8 or less for all four serogroups compared with unvaccinated children. Percentages of children who received MenACWY-D were higher for serogroups A and C.

Researchers found similar results when assessing hSBA geometric mean titers (GMTs) 5 years after primary vaccination. Among both vaccine groups, the highest GMTs were against serogroup W. Children who received MenACWY-CRM had uniformly higher GMTs than unvaccinated children for all four serogroups. There were no significant differences in percentages of children with hSBA 1:8 or greater or GMTs between those who received MenACWY-CRM or MenACWY-D.

Regarding persistence after booster vaccination, both groups had strong responses to a booster dose of MenACWY-CRM one month after booster; and this response persisted for serogroups C, W, and Y through 2 years after booster vaccination.

There were greater percentages of children with hSBA 1:8 or greater at 2 years after the booster vaccination compared with 21 months after primary vaccination. Both vaccine groups had greater numbers of children with hSBA 1:8 or greater compared with unvaccinated children. Researchers found similar results for GMTs at 21 months after primary vaccination and 2 years after booster vaccination.

“Overall, these findings support the use of MenACWY-CRM for the routine boosting of adolescents after primary vaccination with either MenACWY-CRM or MenACWY-D, in accordance with the recent recommendation by the US [Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices],” the researchers concluded.

Disclosure: The study was funded by Novartis Vaccines.