AAP: Affordable Care Act provides ‘opportunities’
As the terms of the Affordable Care Act are implemented, more children will become eligible for health care, and their continued health care may become easier into their adulthoods, according to a paper from the AAP’s Committee on Child Health Financing.
The committee recently updated its Medicaid Policy Statement to reflect changes once the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is implemented.
The statement notes that by 2019, under the terms of the ACA, 16 million people could gain insurance through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Although the details of how this expansion has yet to be hashed out at the federal, state and court levels, the paper urged local AAP chapters to “provide pediatric expertise to coalition efforts and highlight the positive effects expansion will have on young adults.”
The paper urges collaboration between state and federal agencies to implement the parameters set forth in the ACA.
Also, the committee said the ACA provides some opportunities for continued health as pediatric patients age.
“Many children now covered by Medicaid lose health insurance as they become young adults, so that how states choose to respond to the opportunity afforded by the ACA to participate in the adult Medicaid expansion can have a great impact on many pediatric patients,” the committee wrote.