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September 28, 2021
1 min read

World Council of Optometry, CooperVision launch online myopia resource

The World Council of Optometry joined forces with CooperVision to launch an online resource for myopia management.

“This online resource provides eye care practitioners from anywhere in the world access to the information they need to implement a standard of care to treat or manage a patient’s myopia progression,” World Council of Optometry (WCO) President Paul Folkesson, said in a press release.

The resource site is organized around WCO’s three pillars: mitigation, measurement and management. Each pillar is designed to condense studies into one-page “Myopia Moments” that can be read in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, according to the release.

The collaboration is intended to raise awareness of myopia progression and encourage a standard of care for the condition.

“Thanks to the support of CooperVision, information regarding the treatment of myopia is more accessible than ever before,” Folkesson said. “This is just the start as we work to provide more materials and educational programming through this collaborative partnership.”