For the holidays, give your staff something they really need
Eye care professionals tend to be a very satisfied bunch, rating our happiness with our career among the highest of all professions. Why? Partly because we get constant positive feedback from our patients on how we genuinely benefit their lives. Who doesnt enjoy seeing patients with newly clear vision?
But what about our staff? They often bear the brunt of grumpy patients unhappy remarks when they wait too long, have to pay our fees or cant get the appointment they want. Our staff, though, is vitally important to our success. If you have a thriving practice, dont take all the credit yourself, doctor. You owe a lot to an effective group of employees.
How should you best reward their good behavior? Studies show that holiday bonuses and pay raises can work as incentives, but their benefits are temporary at best. Yearly bonuses become an entitlement and have little effect on employee behavior. Most management experts agree that heartfelt praise is the best way to bring out desired behaviors. More importantly, at the holidays its a priceless gift that means more than a check or just another gift basket from a big box store.
Experts say that genuinely expressed appreciation, often in the presence of other employees, is best. Ideally, it should recognize a specific positive employee action or behavior. Praise should come regularly, though maybe not too predictably for it to have the most impact. Finally, be careful to distribute praise fairly. Playing favorites can have a divisive effect on your staff. And no matter what your reasoning is for having favorites among your team, try not to show it.
It is said that a doctor should give 10 compliments a day (perhaps more) to fully recognize the hard work of his or her staff. If youre not already in the habit of doing this, the holidays are a perfect time to start.