Povidone-iodine improves signs, symptoms of viral conjunctivitis

ORLANDO, Fla. – A single in-office dose of 5% povidone-iodine in patients who tested positive for adenoviral conjunctivitis resulted in an improvement in signs and symptoms and a decrease in viral titers.
Tammy Than, MS, OD, FAAO , presented these study results here at an academy-sponsored press conference during the American Academy of Optometry meeting.
The Reducing Adenoviral Patient-Infected Days (RAPID) study was a double-masked pilot trial in which 56 patients from nine centers who tested positive on an adenoviral immunoassay test (Quidel) and had symptoms for at least 4 days were randomized to receive one in-office dose of either PVP-I or artificial tears. Than and colleagues evaluated patients at day 1 or 2, 4, 7, 14 and 21 for clinical signs and self-reported symptoms and took a conjunctival swab sample for qPCR and IL-8 assays.
“Fifty percent of patients that tested positive for the point of care test had confirmed PCR viral titers,” Than said at the press conference. Of those 28, 16 had been randomized to receive PVP-I and 12 had been randomized to receive artificial tears.
At day 4, adenoviral titers in the PVP-I group decreased to 2.5%, while in the artificial tears group they decreased to 14.4%.
In addition, “The patients that received PVP-I felt better at day 4,” Than said.
Patients given PVP-I reported that eyelid swelling, tearing, redness, eyelash matting and overall discomfort were significantly lower than in the control group, according to the study abstract.
“We found that [PVP-I] was well tolerated,” Than said, “and found at day 4, we see a trending down of the viral titers and patients feel and look better.” – by Nancy Hemphill, ELS, FAAO
Than T, et al. Efficacy of single administration of 5% povidone-iodine in the treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis. Presented at: American Academy of Optometry meeting; Orlando, Fla. October 23-27, 2019.
Disclosure: Than reported no relevant financial disclosures.