VIDEO: Clinical improvement may trump culture results
ATLANTA – Data suggest that nearly 50% of culture results in eye care indicate a form of Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis that is resistant to fluoroquinolones, Rich Mangan, OD, said here at SECO. However, if you are already treating a patient with a fluoroquinolone and, “you’re seeing clinically that the ulcer is improving, you’re justified to keep with it.”
Mangan said studies that check sensitivities against certain antibiotics use the standard absorption rate for systemic medication. When an eye drop can be administered every hour and still be well tolerated, “because of the concentration we’re able to achieve, we can still have a beneficial effect against a MRSA [methicillin-resistant S. aureus] bug that may be theoretically resistant to fluoroquinolones.”