January 11, 2017
1 min read

LensFerry S expands to all modalities

LensFerry S has expanded to include all contact lens modalities, bringing automatic monthly payments and quarterly or semi-annual contact lens deliveries to a broader population of patients while maintaining a central role for the eye care professional, according to a press release from EyeCare Prime.

The subscription-based ordering service, which launched in April 2016, focused specifically on 1-day contact lenses. LensFerry S now includes monthly, 2-week and 1-day lenses from multiple manufacturers at eye care professionals’ specified prices, according to the release.

When patients enroll in the service, the annual cost of their contact lenses is divided into automatic monthly payments and they receive a 3- or 6-month supply, depending on modality.

The prescribing practice receives the sales revenue as if the lenses had been paid for in-office, according to the release.

Early adopters of LensFerry S have reported up to a 20% increase in annual supply sales in their practices, the company said.

LensFerry S is available to all eye care practices in the U.S. For every completed patient annual subscription through LensFerry S, EyeCare Prime makes a donation to Optometry Giving Sight for an eye exam.

Source: www.eyecareprime.com