August 23, 2016
1 min read

Contact Lens Health Week gains support from Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care announced its support of the CDC-organized Contact Lens Health Week.

Johnson & Johnson will be teaming with the CDC and its partners to promote healthy habits that help reduce the risk of infection and promote successful lens wear, especially among teens, the company said in a press release. The focus of the awareness campaign includes proper hygiene, use and storage of contact lenses, as well as the importance of visiting an eye care professional once a year for a comprehensive eye exam.

“Millions of Americans wear contact lenses every day with great results — they can see well, they are comfortable and they can live an active lifestyle free from glasses,” Millicent Knight, OD, head of professional affairs with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, said in the release. “With many new wearers trying contact lenses each year, it is critical that we continue to highlight the importance of proper wear and care of contact lenses, to help reduce the risk of infection, irritation or other issues. It all starts with hygiene — clean hands are so important to reduce the spread of bacteria to the sensitive eye area.”