February 10, 2016
1 min read

Think About Your Eyes campaign now includes 16,000 providers

The Vision Council’s Think About Your Eyes campaign announced that 2015 was a record-breaking year in which nearly 1.3 billion consumer impressions were generated, with the message seen or heard by more than 132 million adults, according to a press release.

The public awareness initiative focuses on educating consumers about the importance of vision health and annual comprehensive eye exams.

The campaign generated more than 1 million eye exams, bringing in $55.5 million in eye exam revenue as well as an additional $444 million industry revenue from glasses and contact lens sales, according to the press release.

Since the campaign’s start, more than 2 million people have visited the website, and an additional 1 million website visitors are expected in 2016. The number of providers increased to more than 16,000, with 29 state optometric associations joining the ‘Think About Your Eyes” campaign.