Issue: November 2015
November 14, 2015
1 min read

Online, at-home refractions are not exams

Issue: November 2015

To the Editor:

I am writing regarding your September 2015 article, “Optometry critical of nontraditional eye exams.”

Why in the world would you label these “nontraditional eye exams”? The services provided by companies such as Opternative and EyeNetra are not eye exams; they are simply refractions, be it online or at home. They should not be legitimized by being called “eye exams.” The companies who market these “refractions” as “exams” (Opternative) or “eye care” (Blink) are misleading, misinforming and confusing the public.

In most states, “refraction” constitutes the practice of optometry and medicine and is restricted to those licensed in those professions. Supervision by an MD does not supersede that requirement because the supervision must be direct, that is, close physically. Blink, Opternative and others who perform these refractions may also be guilty of practicing without proper licensure. It is time for the boards to step up and enforce the law in those states.

While I certainly appreciate your reporting these events, please call them what they are: refractions.

Mark R. Flora, OD

Hampstead, N.C.