December 05, 2014
1 min read

FDA clears daily disposable multifocal

Visioneering Technologies Inc. announced that its NaturalVue daily disposable hydrophilic multifocal contact lens has been issued 510(k) clearance, according to a press release from the company.

“The unique, patented NaturalVue multifocal is designed to reduce the number of office visits, the number of lenses used and the amount of time required for a successful multifocal fit,” Sally Dillehay, MD, vice president of clinical and regulatory affairs of Visioneering Technologies, said in the release. “The response from patients in clinical trials has been very positive, especially in regard to the crisp, clear distance vision along with outstanding vision for intermediate and near visual tasks.

“Patients report being able to complete over 91% of their normal visual tasks with the NaturalVue 1 Day Disposable Multifocal (etafilcon A) without the need to use supplemental reading glasses or magnifiers,” she continued. “This is a significant improvement for patients who don’t want to have to search for reading glasses just to be able to read or use their cell phones.”

The company intends on launching NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Disposable Contact Lenses in the first quarter of 2015, according to the release.